Motorcycle Safety

There is much more skill and knowledge required to ride a motorcycle than to drive a car. Don't put all your expertise at risk! Every time you mount your motor, you should be ready to focus 100% on the ride. Most collisions with motorcycles occur because motor vehicle drivers are not paying close enough attention. Always be vigilant when riding and expect the unexpected.

Click here to review the Motorcycle Operator manual.

"We wanted to thank you guys for possibly saving my life tonight. I’ve been practicing keeping my bike in gear at lights and checking the color of the car behind me. As I pulled up to stop at a yellow light I realized the guy in the black Mercedes behind me was speeding up to make the light. Not a good combination. I popped the clutch and pulled out of the way as he screamed through the intersection. Had I sat there in neutral playing with the radio I would not be typing this - I’d be in an ambulance- or a hearse. Thanks again for offering that course." a message by Chandler PD Motor Unit Sgt. Dan McQuillin from a student that participated in a MC safety class that they held .

Click here to go to AZ Department of Transportation to see more Crash Facts

Motorcycle Training Schools
AZ MVD Professional Driving Schools
Motorcycle Safety Foundation

Motorcycle Information
AZ Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Foundation
NHTSA - Motorcycle Safety
Share the Road- Motorcycles
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A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona Motorcycle Awareness Program -
A.B.A.T.E. of Arizona Facebook -

Arizona Motorcycle Safety Inventory Request Form