Occupant Protection
Children Are Priceless Passengers (CAPP)
In 1993 the Tempe Police Department partnered with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, Tempe Saint Luke’s Hospital, and the Tempe Municipal Court to develop the Children Are Priceless Passengers (CAPP) Program. The program was initiated to reduce the infant and toddler deaths and injuries in Arizona by educating the public on the effectiveness of continuous and proper use of child safety seats. The program provides two-hour child safety classes in both English and Spanish and is instructed by nationally certified child safety seat technicians.
CAPP classes are open to the public for voluntary participation and for drivers who receive a citation for a child safety seat violation. This class provides cited drivers with an additional option other than purchasing an expensive child safety seat and/or paying a fine which, in many jurisdictions, is well in excess of $100. Program information is provided by law enforcement agencies to drivers when issued a citation for ARS §28-907.A (child restraint law) and ARS §28-907.B (booster seat law). Program information is also provided to each participating law enforcement agency as well as all of the Municipal and Justice Courts throughout the participating locations.
There is a $35.00 administrative class fee for the class. Monies collected from the class are placed in a designated account established at each agency location for the sole purpose of purchasing future child safety seats and administrative expenses. The funding received from the class fees will assist the agency in eventually becoming and maintaining a self-sustaining program.
During the class, participants learn about the effects of collisions, types and dynamics of a child safety seat, how to install and use their seats correctly in their vehicle by the use of an instructional video, as well as hands-on lecture. Upon the completion of the instructional portion, participants install the seats in each of their respective vehicles. The seats are briefly checked by the instructor to ensure proper installation.
Child safety seats are provided as part of the class fee to those individuals who don’t currently have a seat or have one that is outdated (expiration date), recalled by the manufacturer, involved in a collision, unknown prior history, or with inadequate and/or missing parts. Upon completion of the class, participants are provided a certificate of completion which can be shown to the participating adjudicating court and their citation will be reduced.

The GOHS partners with agencies for development and administration of the program including providing child safety seats, videos, materials, and supplies for the class. GOHS provides funding for instructors. Each participating agency provides a site phone contact person, classroom, audio/video equipment, and secured storage for the seats.
Currently, the CAPP Program has expanded to 9 locations throughout the state. Classes are taught by police, fire, health/social services, public organizations, and school districts. The CAPP Program has been recognized both nationally and state-wide as a model community partnership program.
For more information, please contact the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety at 602-255-3216.
CAPP Locations State Wide - Call the nearest agency to register for the class.
Northern Arizona
Coconino County Health Department
2625 North King Street, Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
Registration: (928) 679-7262
Central Arizona
Phoenix Children's Hospital
1919 E. Thomas Rd., East Building Entrance, Phoenix 85016
Registration: (602) 933-CAPP (2277)
St Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center
2927 North 7th Avenue, Peppertree Building, Phoenix, Arizona 85013
Registration: (877) 602-4111
Tempe Police Department
1855 East Apache Boulevard, Tempe, Arizona 85281
Registration: (480) 350-8863
Banner Desert Medical Center
1400 South Dobson Road, Building #2145, Mesa, Arizona 85202
Registration: (602) 230-CARE (2273)
Southern Arizona
Casa Grande Police Department
373 East Val Vista Boulevard, Casa Grande, Arizona 85122
Registration: (520) 421-8711 Ext 6061
Tucson Medical Center
5301 East Grant Road, Tucson, Arizona 85712
Registration: (520) 324-2075
Mount Graham Regional Medical
1600 S. 20th Avenue, Safford, Arizona 85546
Registration: (928) 348-3701
Educational Materials for Children
National CPS Certification Courses
To see what courses are available, go to cert.safekids.org and click on FIND A COURSE
Arizona Seatbelt Law
Arizona Child Safety Seat Law
Car Seat Recalls
Child Safety Seat Restraint Information - English
Child Safety Seat Restraint Information - Spanish
Buckle Up Baby Campaign